
ST Pizza
Featured Project

ST Pizza

  • -MERN / MongoDB / Express / React/ Next.js/ AWS/ Google Auth, Clerk, Stripe
  • -Created Pizza website for customers to order pickup/delivery
    -Business owner admin portal for menu, customer and payment updates/revisions
  • -React Frontend with Next.js, Tailwind, AWS for image storage,
  • -Express backend and Mongo Database
  • -Stripe Integration for customer payment

Ovation Auto Detail
Featured Project

Ovation Auto Detail

  • -Created Auto Detail website for local business Ovation Auto Detail
  • -React Frontend, Tailwind, Darkmode, AOS animations library
  • -Created with Vite, Deployed with Vercel

Flashcard Ai
Featured Project

Flashcard Ai

  • -Python / FastAPI / PostgreSQL / Docker backend for data storage and retrieval
  • -React Frontend with frontend JWT authentication, CSS,
  • -OpenAI API endpoint with FastAPI to create question and answers for flashcards
  • -React frontend for user to input subject for flashcard generation

Idaho Dog Sled Tour Website
Featured Project

Idaho Dog Sled Tour Website

  • -Used a FastAPI / PostgreSQL backend for robust data storage and retrieval.
  • -React Frontend with frontend JWT authentication
  • Enabled the business owner and users to manage and create bookings and payment.
  • Ensured optimal performance and reliability for handling API requests.
  • Built a user-friendly UI using React and Bootstrap.

Crypto Currency UI

Crypto Currency UI

  • React Front End application that uses Axios to get data from a crypto api and routes to different pages.
  • Skills: React, CSS, Axios

Movie & TV Show Rating Site

Movie & TV Show Rating Site

  • React Typescript Front End application that fetches data from a movie api
  • Skills: Vite, React, Typescript, Tailwind, Front End Authorization

Shadow Wrestler

Shadow Wrestler

  • Built a user-friendly UI for wrestling athletes to practice with.
  • Skills: React, Tailwind, Figma



  • Full Stack Application for managing a conference business.
  • Skills: Django, Html/CSS, Insomnia, Message Passing